The warm weather has of course bought out the dragon and damsels and it's a joy to see. Nothing out of the ordinary yet, Saturday bought Banded Demoiselle (beautiful and very common) and Common Blue at a site where I was sure there would be some activity, on the Great Ouse next to Cycle Track 51.
Male Banded Demoiselle - Calopteryx splendens |
Female Banded Demoiselle - Calopteryx splendens |
Male Common Blue Damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum |
On Sunday I was around Octagon Farm Pits (which I have never visited at the time of year when dragons & damsels are active) and found Banded Demoiselle & Common Blue again. Also found my first Dragonfly of the year here, and although the Four Spotted Chaser is quite a common species it was a first for me.
Four Spotted Chasers - Libellula quadrimaculata |
Not sure the sex of either of these 2 individuals as they are apparently very similar looking.
Looking forward to more warm weather for dragon fly watching.